The address book is a small database of your regular e-mail contacts, that allows you to have quick and easy access to them at any time. However, the address book has two different modes to use it in. The Editing mode, which is used to create entries, delete them, edit them, and use advanced features. Then there is the Using mode which allows you to instantly add header information (To, Subject, etc.) to outgoing e-mail messages.
First, of course, you will need to create entries. You must open the address book for editing. Do this by click the Address Book button (
) in the main toolbar. You will be redirected to your address book for editing:

Obviously, your first action will be to add an entry (Note: There may be preset entries already in there that set been set by the system administrator). Simply click within the Name text field, and enter the necessary information. Use the "Tab" key on the keyboard to jump to the next field. You can also add a note to easily remember the contact by. Once you are finished entering the information, click Add/Modify. You can now access this quickly for sending.
Once you have all your e-mail addresses in place, you may want to edit them later. To edit an entry, click the Name of the entry, and it will appear in the editing area above. You can click within the text field of the entry information you wish to edit and type what you wish. Once you are finished editing the entry, click Add/Modify.
You can delete entries by simply clicking the Delete button to the absolute right side of the entry you wish to delete. You may also want to delete all the entries, but deleting them all separately can be tedious. Fortunately, all you have to do is click the "Clear All Addresses" button (
). You will be asked to confirm: click "OK" to proceed with deleting all of the entries, or click "Cancel" to abort the operation.
You can also group multiple addresses into one name. This allows you to send to multiple existing entries, with one address book entry, without having to re-enter the information. To group multiple addresses, click the group icon (
). You will be greeted with a new window with all of your address book entries. Check off the addresses you wish to group, and click continue. Then click Add/Modify once you are finished. |